The daily operation of the site requires payment of server fees. If you are interested in donating, no matter the amount, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to you.
¶ Donation standards
Donation is one of the ways to obtain rewards such as account registration rights/VIP qualifications.
VIP treatment:
- VIP members are not restricted by the system sharing rate, can download permanently and without restrictions, ignore H&R rules, and download freely;
- VIP members will not be banned by the system due to low sharing rate and will be exempted from automatic downgrade;
- Members with the donor yellow star mark will ignore any assessment and receive a reward of twice the karma points value of seeding per hour.
Donate $5 to get registered.
Donate $5 to waive the newbie assessment.
- Donate 50 USD to get one year VIP qualification;
At the same time, you will receive 5 permanent invitations, 65,000 karma points, and 1.5TB upload credits.
- Donate 120 USD to get three years VIP qualification;
At the same time, you will receive 20 permanent invitations, 300,000 karma points, and 15TB upload credits.
- Donate 200 US dollars to obtain lifetime VIP qualification;
At the same time, 80 permanent invitations, 1 million karma points, and 50TB upload credits will be given away.
Get one of the following rewards for per $1 you spend:
- 1000 karma points
- 2000 seeding points
- 1GB upload credits
You can donate in the following ways
For security reasons, if you have any donation needs, you can send an email to [email protected].
Currently only USDT TRC20
is accepted. If you have other needs, you can send an email to [email protected].
Or scan the QR code below:
Please leave your website username or registered email address when donating so that we can better find you!